Monday, May 13, 2013

to be

Day Three

to be detached, to be cut off from the rest of the world, to be suspended in thin air, with no worldly chords, by choice or float, to wander, to be lost, and not to go looking for directions or guiding not to be part of the now or the future, to not belong, to float, to be, to just be, to be here this moment, and be gone the next, to float, to wander, to drift along the waves, to go with the breeze, to run with the storm, to be wet in the rain, to swelter in the sun, to just be, but not to belong, to laugh, to cry, to not think, to say, to not hold back, to hug, to kiss, to not come back, to go, to love, to dream, to stare, to gaze, but not to look, not for anything, just to see, to peep, to turn away, to know, to not to understand, to hold hands, and lock lips, to make love without promises, to have no promises to keep, no goals to achieve, to make love, to laugh, to be, just be, to walk away, to not look back, to look back and to walk away, to smile with the steps, to go, to go, to go, to go, to go, and to go nowhere, to be just be, just be, just be......

1 comment:

Noufel said...

TO just be...thanks for putting thoughts I echo into words better than I could ever conjure up!